
Some teachers at Talmey were noticing the following about their learners:

  • Many grade ones need review of letters and lettersounds and these students are expressing concernsabout reading “I can’t read”​

  • Challenging for grade ones and some grade twos toblend CVC words​

  • High ELL population need lots more repetition​

  • Using lots of visuals​

  • Vowel sounds challenging​

  • Students enjoy looking at books​

  • Starting to notice print in books more, but mostly singleletters​

  • Using picture cues to read​

  • Students who are reading are very proud and excited toread


How did this inquiry make a difference for learners?

  • Provided more ways for students to experience literacy(visual, auditory, kinesthetic etc.)​

  • Expanded our knowledge of letter/sound progressionand helped us to create a road map to guide ourteaching to make sure students are being taught the 44phonemes and have many opportunities to practicereading and manipulatingthem.​

  • Provided more opportunities for playing with languageat all gradelevels.​

  • Emphasized the importance of tracking studentsthroughout the year totarget specific areas oflearning.​

  • Guided reading and literacycentresbecame favoriteactivities where everyone was successful due to thevariety of activities and multiple entry points provided.

Students are saying:

  • Students are proud of themselves because they see themselves asreaders (When a teacher misses guided reading, students will say“No, wedon’twant to miss it” or ” Can we do this again tomorrow”)​

  • Before it was ”No Idon’twant to read” now it is “Can I read more?”for some students​

  • Some students are now writing books and trying to sound out​

  • Some students are noticing thatthey arenot progressing at the samepace and can become upset​

  • Students are really enjoying reading and requesting time to read

What next steps will be taken?

  • Continue focusing on guided reading and literacycentres at all grades with a variety of entry points andactivities.​

  • Explore non-fictionwithin our guided reading andincorporating more non-fiction along with specific wordattack,vocabulary and comprehensionstrategies.​

  • Explore writing development and how besttoencourage, develop, and support writing in ourlearners.​

  • Re-assess intervention resources, timing andstrategies